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Youtube Partnership


Advertising will be our first revenue stream. Our first major goal will be to become partnered with YouTube. As soon as we have reached our first $100,000, we will select a Diverger.


821 / 1000

Watch hours

4000 / 4000

Total revenue:


Number of Winners:




Build capital

Though most of our revenue will go to Divergers, we will invest a small percentage of our remaining profits to build DiViDi's capital. The purpose of this is to help secure our growth and future. These returns will be used as security for our community should we hit a dip, and serve as a foundation for our future ventures.

Branching out


Fuck Ticketmaster, fuck Nestle

Once we have enough capital, we will ask our community which industry we should target to change.  Our hypothesis is: if Logan Paul can sell energy drinks and dink donk coins, and Andrew Tate can sell how to be an alpha male; DiViDI can sell tickets without a service fee, or water without stealing it from the locals.


By doing so, we position ourselves as competitors to unethical businesses, and steal a cut from their profits.



Time to buy politicians

Lets stop pretending that elected politicans care about the working class. Money talks. Corporations have far more power to influence laws and regulations than the collective shouting of the working class. Just ask any minimum wage worker, or railroadworkers in the United States.


We will use our capital to make elected leaders care about the working class again.

We are Dreamers

Dreamer, let this be your call-to-action. Change, when implemented for the greater good, can be a positive thing.


So smash that like button, and subscribe to our channel.

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