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Codes of Ethic and Conduct of DiViDi

We require all our members to follow these rules

Code of Ethics of Dreamers


Respect community members and keep discussions civil. Agree to disagree, as our topics are multifaceted and rarely have one single truth. We have no tolerance for discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability (physical or mental).


We pose a threat to the elites, who  will do what they can to limit our prog. A powerful tool is dividing us and making us fight eachother. Stand united and show snakes we are not easily separated.


People have different perspectives, and are a result of their environment and the system. If you disagree with a community member, try understanding their point of view and where they are coming from. It's not about being right, it's about understanding each other. This isn't reddit.

Code of Conduct for Divergers

Divergers are considered our partners, have access to sensitive information, and are therefore expected to follow our code of conduct

Breach of the code

Breach of the code will be evaluated by the founders, and can risk having their accounts closed. Members will receive a warning before the account is closed, depending on the severity of the breach. Divergents who have their accounts closed for breach of the code will forfeit their membership status.

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